Author Interview: Beth Reekles


Welcome to the Beth Reekles author interview

Before we start I just wanted to tell you about Wattpad. Wattpad is a site where you can access free books that people write and also write and post your own. There are some very well written books on this site and some have been published. (Like Ms. Reekles’s book) You can visit it here.


1. What is one thing you do during a writer’s block?
My usual way of dealing with it is to walk away from my story for a little while. I go back to my story a few days, or a week or two later, with a clearer mind, and fresh eyes, and find it much easier to work on my story again after a break.

2. How did you find Wattpad?
A friend was telling me all about a book she was reading (it was A Proscriptive Relationship). I thought it sounded great, and asked her about it so I could get it from Amazon – then she explained that it was online and told me about Wattpad. I made an account later that day!

3. What is one thing you liked about writing your story from Wattpad then getting it discovered later?
I had no confidence in my writing before Wattpad – it was just something I did for fun but I didn’t think I was any good. The support from people on Wattpad gave me a lot more self-confidence, so it made the whole process of being published less terrifying than it might’ve been otherwise.

4. Do you eat anything before/during/after writing?
I almost always have a cup of tea with me when I’m writing, and maybe some biscuits if I have any. But sometimes I’m so into writing that I won’t step away from my laptop for anything, even food!

5. Any advice to writers who want to be discovered?
I’d say that one of the most important things is to take yourself seriously. Work hard on your story and put a lot of effort into it. Pay attention to any constructive criticism that people give you (when it’s people you don’t know online it’s definitely worth listening to). And, post your work online – it can be a huge confidence boost, and encourage you to finish your story and not give up on it.tealdivider

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